As a first time momma I was TOTALLY clueless when creating a baby registry. I had no idea what I would need and want… I really only knew what I thought was cute. And it’s ALL cute. Especially when you’re having a girl! Here’s a list of the products I found most essential in my arsenal. Also – a list of the things I registered for… and/or purchased that I probably should have skipped or waited on.
Momma Meg Loves…

Baby Bjorn Air Mesh Baby Carrier
Baby Bjorn – I took Liv out for walks starting around 3 weeks. It was not only great for her… but good for me to get out at least once a day to get some fresh air and a little exercise. In the first few months, I used it at least once a day… most days more like 3 or 4 times. Found it especially useful to calm her when she just wanted to be held. The “Bjorn” brand works wonderfully for me – although at 4 months… looking into the future… I might have looked into something that converted into a backpack type carrier. Also – I registered for the grey/white mesh carrier because it claimed to be more “breathable”… but I probably should have opted for the “stain-hiding” classic black. Buy Here with a 20% off coupon, or Buy Here in All black mesh! Image From Here (Note: I wanted Liv to Love this sling SO badly… but she HATES it. Maybe once she likes to sit on my hip we can try it again… I REALLY wish we could figure out the whole nursing-while-baby-wearing thing… )
Edit: Instead of deleting the above blurb about the Baby Bjorn, I thought I’d leave it so you might see (if anyone actually refers to/ reads back this far) what I did LOVE about this product in the earlier stages. I could have predicted at about 4 months (See above) that we were growing out of the Bjorn. Olivia was a pretty petite baby so it really did work wonderfully for me for the first few months… didn’t strain my back, was comfortable, she seemed comfortable, etc. The last time we tried to use it was around 6 months – on our trip to CA. Still petite, I can’t bear to carry Olivia in it for more than a few minutes – she’s squished in there, the straps dig in to my shoulders and after 5 minutes I can already feel the backache coming on. After lots of careful research polling all my momma friends and experts, I’ve decided to invest in an Ergo Baby Carrier. (Just waiting for one to pop up on sale on Zulily, Totsy, Amazon, etc.)

Ergo Baby Carrier

Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Glazed Diaper Bag
Petunia Pickle Bottom Diaper Bag – If I had to pick one thing to SPLURGE on… this would be it. Ours was gifted by my Godmother to whom I will be forever grateful… because this is truly a wonderful bag! The reasons I love it are endless… so here are the top 3. First, most diaper bags come with a changing pad cover that folds and stores INSIDE the bag… so when you encounter that questionable public changing table, you have to dig through the diaper bag… find the pad… the wipeys and the diapeys… PPB makes things SO MUCH easier. the pad unzips and folds out from the side of the bag revealing two pockets… perfectly sized for diapers… and for wipes. Oh.. and a tiny pocket for travel-sized diaper rash cream. Two Words… EASY ACCESS. Also a really nice feature for changing diapers when you DON’T have access to a changing table… like… on a picnic blanket… or at a friend’s house. And BONUS… because it’s access from the outside of the bag… no lost storage space on the INSIDE of the bag. Second, PPB is waterproof! and the fold-out changing pad is machine washable. I can already tell that this bag will wear REALLY well through as many kiddos as I want to have (and for the price tag… it should!) Third, convertible straps allow PPB to be worn cross-body, over-the-shoulder, or as a backpack! Also fits REALLY well hanging our stroller! and Duh…the cute factor is obvious… Buy Here (lots of matching accessories too!) or Buy Here (discontinued prints are a little bit less expensive) Image from Here

WubbaNub – Obviously not something I had heard of pre-#momlife. This pacifier (A soothie) is attached to a small stuffed animal friend… awesome because a) the stuffed animal acts as a weight making it easier to find when the pacifier falls out. b) most of the stuffed creatures have perfectly sized arms/legs for little hands to hold on to. c) they’re easier to find for mommy too! Buy Here (best variety) or Buy Here (for convenience) Image from Here

Aiden + Anais Bamboo Swaddle Blankets
Aiden + Anais Swaddle Blankets – These were something I put on my registry purely because I thought they were pretty. Soft and sheer… I just loved the way they looked and felt. We have both the bamboo blend and regular muslin variety. The bamboo are definitely softer and easier to swaddle with but pricier and don’t hold up as well after several washes. The muslin are lightweight enough to use as a nursing cover (especially nice when it’s too hot out to use one of those heavy canvas “hooter hiders”). I keep one of these blankets in my diaper bag at all times! Also worth mentioning – Aiden + Anais makes great burp rags too! Same soft material and darling prints…. also feature a great curved shape that fits as perfectly as a burp rag can over your shoulder and BONUS… snaps into a “bib” … which is great to snap around a stroller handle or car seat for easy access. Buy Here or Buy Here (best variety) or Buy Here (for convenience) Image From Here

Sophie The Giraffe
Sophie The Giraffe & Sophie The Teether – Definitely worth every penny! I had a hard time justifying this purchase… but as soon as Liv was old enough to enjoy “toys”… Sophie quickly became a favorite. The feet are just the right size for tiny hands to hold on to and the “PURE” rubber is safe for drool-y exploring. Liv is almost 4.5 months old and unfortunately (to be confirmed by the pediatrician) at the very beginning stages of teething…. so we also invested in the Sophie Teether (who is fondly referred to as “Chewie” as to not create any confusion)… This version of Sophie is harder rubber and has ridged rings… great for teething… but also great for little hands to hold. Buy Here (Cheaper) or Here (In Stores) Image from Here

Angel Dear Giraffe Lovie
Angel Dear Giraffe Lovie – Don’t REALLY understand why this is Liv’s fav… but I picked it up at Baby Bliss (in a weak pregnant moment – I had a thing for all things giraffe… and this super plush… darling little giraffe “lovie” was too much to pass up). It’s slowly becoming a diaper bag staple… actually… it never really makes it in the bag… because it pretty much goes everywhere with Liv. Bumbo to Car Seat… even as we speak… she’s snuggled up, paci in one hand, Lovie in the other. Buy Here (Cheapest! $13!!) or Buy Here (In Stores)
Products I would RE-Think
The stroller – I’m convinced now (Yep, that’s right mom! I’ll admit I was wrong) expensive strollers are just that… expensive. Don’t get me wrong. There are lots of things that I love about my Peg Perego Switch Four stroller… and I AM glad I talked myself out of the uber fancy Uppa Baby or Bugaboo. I love that the stroller base + car seat snapped in combo is super easy to snap-in, fold-up, navigate, etc. The base is REALLY light weight… I can successfully collapse AND load the base one-handed (with an iced coffee in the other hand, of course!). We do get tons of use out of the bassinet, (that will later flip to face forward as the stroller seat) Olivia LOVES to lay down… and it allows her more room to wiggle around (READ: less likely to develop a flat spot from leaning head in one direction). Occasionally, I’ll strap her in, like a big girl and let her sit up slightly… Only downsides a) the straps are still to big for her at 4 months and b)without fastening the straps, she scoots down so far that her legs end up hanging off the end of the stroller. Things I dislike: a) the cup holder falls off… ALL the time. and it’s tiny. Not big enough for a larger drink… basically only big enough for a small plastic water bottle – which is probably the only thing I should be drinking) b) the basket (on the bottom) is not easy to access from the back because of the frame of the stroller… that’s just poor design. c) I wish that I had looked at something that had a handle bar that went all the way across as opposed to two handles. Daniel says our stroller handles are also too short for him to push… that’s just his fault for not wanting to go stroller shopping.
I’m already finding myself wanting a jogging stroller of some sort to use when we’re out walking or outdoors. I think I like this Tike Tech City X3 Swivel the best! Would welcome other thoughts.
The Carseat – again… I have a love/hate relationship with our car seat. We opted for the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio SIP 30/30 which I was told was “the safest” option for baby. At 9 months pregnant – I probably would have believed ANYTHING the salesperson told me… especially concerning the necessity of at $250 Car Seat. I do believe that it is one of the safest on the market… and I am all for that. But this thing… WEIGHS A TON! Pro: Toned Arms Con:I probably won’t be able to carry it much longer. Even Daniel HATES carrying it for extended amounts of time… any further than car to restaurant, he insists that we bring the stroller.
The Crib Bedding – I should have listened… when my mother told me it was ridiculous to spend $300 on this crib bedding. Darling as it is… it a) doesn’t fit our crib well and b) the bumper (basically… the cute part) was safe for a whole 2 months before Liv started rolling over and smooshing her face up against the side of her crib. I should have just had fun with different printed sheets (like these from Dwell Studio)
The Bouncer Chair – I registered for a moderately priced… very muted… creamy color theme with precious little lambs and plush off-white cushioning. Not practical for MANY reasons…two of the biggest reasons being a) off-white and blowouts is a terrible combination and b)muted tones are NOT interesting for babies. pretty in your living room…but not entertaining for baby… and that’s really priority #1.
The Environmentally Friendly Diaper – As much as I REALLY wanted to make an effort at a more environmentally conscious diapering option… Seventh Generation diapers feel like paper bags… not to mention being the ugliest diapers you could possibly imagine. I registered and was gifted several packages…and after opening/using the first one.. I immediately packed ’em up and took them in to Babies R Us…. Exchanged for Pampers Swaddlers… which I love. And as guilty as I feel about the harsh chemicals on baby’s bottom and # of diapers I’m putting in a landfill somewhere… I hated those paper bags more. (Stay tuned for a review of these eco-friendly diapers – We may go this route after we get through our gifted stash). Also – I would absolutely consider cloth diapering round 2. Or at least some sort of hybrid solution.