New Year’s Eve 2006
Daniel and I met during my first semester at SMU. When I transferred after one semester (I didn’t realize that SMU required a uniform including Lacoste polos, seersucker dresses and BMWs.) we stayed friends long distance. We’d been on a few dates while I was living in Dallas but didn’t call it official for almost two years later. I decided to give him a long-distance chance – October 2005. We dated long distance through Summer of 2006 while I finished up my general ed at a local (So Cal) community college when I transfered back to SMU. After a lengthy protest concerning transfer credits, I decided to transfer, yet again, to Chapman University. That Summer, Daniel and I packed up and moved to Orange, CA.

New Year’s Eve 2007
I think we’d both agree that this was one of the BEST years of our lives. You know those summer’s in high school that you would fondly remember as being completely carefree. You did “fun stuff” EVERY day. This was OUR summer. We spent days at the beach, made weekend trips to Big Bear and San Diego… became Disneyland pass holders. We spent most of our time outdoors, walking, hiking and exploring. We enjoyed everything that Southern California had to offer – All of the amazing perks I’d taken for granted growing up.

Spring 2008

After a year – Daniel packed up and headed back to the DFW area to take advantage of job offer he couldn’t turn down. Once again, we we dated long distance for a year- After one of the BEST years… this was one of the LONGEST. I was determined to finish up at Chapman before joining him in Dallas.

Summer 2009
The night before I graduated, May 2009, I picked Daniel up from the airport and played along with his request to go to “Table Rock” Beach to climb on the rocks and reminisce. When I was turned away, Daniel crouched down and peered into a tidepool. He called me over, claiming to have seen a starfish in the water. When I turned around to look he was already down on one knee. A few weeks later, we made the cross-country drive (yet, again!) and started planning our dream wedding.

Fall 2010
October 10, 2010, surrounded by our closest family and friends – Daniel and I said “I do” at the Pacific Edge Villa in Laguna Beach, CA just minutes away from where we got engaged. We both agree… hands down… best party EVER. The atmosphere was comfortable, casual and perfectly “us”.

Fall 2010
After honeymooning in Los Cabos Mexico, we returned home to Dallas and weeks later moved into our first house… A little vintage (actually VERY vintage – originally built in 1913) yellow house in historic area of East Dallas. We haven’t exactly made it around to making many BIG improvements… but couldn’t pass up the charm!

Summer 2011
In June of 2011, we found out that we were expecting a new addition to our little family. We celebrated the news with our families surrounding a family vacation to Hawaii and embarked on another crazy year! After an exhausting first trimester, I made the decision to step down from my retail management position to commission sales. Daniel and I had talked a lot about parenting styles and both agreed that it would be best for me to stay home if we could afford it.

February 2012
Our daughter, Olivia Kate, was born Valentine’s Day 02-14-2012, 6lbs 13 oz, 19 inches long. A week early, but perfectly healthy in every way! This little blessing has, without doubt, changed our lives in the most amazing and completely wonderful ways. We both are completely smitten with this little bundle and already cannot remember what life was like without her.

The Durch
In a post about our family, I should also mention our dog “Durch” (AKA “Duchess” – her given name). Our 9 year old, “troubled teenager” black labrador retriever. She’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, brightest crayon in the box… etc., despite her flaws (and there are MANY…) We love her and consider her excessive-shedding-self to be part of the family.