Weight: 21 lbs 7 oz
Size: 18 months, 24 months
Tooth Count: 16
Hair: Growing… slowly but surely. Reddish blonde and slightly curly
Nicknames: Via, Doodle (Bug), Love Bug
- Nov 2013
Loves: Palestra Open Gym, Playing outside, going to the park, the Dallas Arboretum Children’s Garden, Doing Art the the Perot, Sandboxes, Calliou (TV Show on PBSKids), Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood (TV Show on PBSKids), “Moo-sik”, Lotion, Reading Books before bed, Taco Joint Date Nights with Dayda, Swim Lessons w/ Miss. Amber, Playing in the Dirt/Mud/Sand
Cranks: going to sleep alone, the grocery store, shopping, brushing her teeth
Best Friends: Bayo (Paden), Cami, Cousins Rylie & Remie
Favorite Foods: “Hot Cheese” (Macaroni & Cheese), “Maymos” (Tomatoes), Cheese, “Moo” (Milk), Ham, “O-E’s” (Oranges), Breakfast Sausage, Goldfish/Ducks/Bunnies Crackers, O’s, Muffins, Strawberries, Tacos, Hot Dogs, Pie (From Emporium Pie’s, a la mode, of course!), Apples, “Dipping”, Smoothies “Moo-mies”
Favorite Books: Llama Llama Red Pajama, Jesus Loves Me, Daddy Hugs, I Love You So, Goodnight Moon, Any of our Potty Books
Talking in short sentences – These are a few of my favorites… “Where’s Mommy’s Car?” “Is Dayda home?” “It’s Nigh-No Time” “Where’s the Moon, Mommy?”
Gaining independence and getting more comfortable with other adults (in nursery at church, etc.)
Sleeping through the night in her own bed (fairly consistently 7/8pm – 6/7am)
Completely weaned just after 18 months
Drinking Cow’s milk “MOO”
First Time Trick Or Treating
Swimming 8-10 seconds under water in Swim Class
Funny Via Stuff
While at Lunch at the Olive Garden, an elderly gentleman at a nearby table belches loudly to which Via responds, “NICE!”
Loves to wait at the back door for Dayda to come home from work – squeels “Dayda’s Home!” when she sees the back gate open.
Refers to her fur-collared denim vest as her “fuzzy” and begs to put “Fuzzy on”
Refers to the humidifier as “Fog” or “Foggy”- reminds us to “Fog Off”
While shopping, will look at clothing, find the tag then say, “Cute!”
Comments, “Mommy, Milk Ah-gone”
Says “Help You” instead of “Help Me” and “Hold You” instead of “Hold Me”
Likes to crawl between Mommy’s legs or underneath the dog AKA “Tunnel”
CA trip to visit Family Gorham
First Trip to Disneyland
First (real) trip to the beach
Gramma G in town
Arboretum / Children’s Garden / Perot Museum / Zoo / Palestra Open Gym
Mommy & Dayda’s 3rd Wedding Anniversary
Dayda’s 30th Birthday
Paden’s 2nd Mickey Mouse Birthday Party
Pumpkin Carving
First nasty cough/cold/ear infection of the season 🙁
First time Trick or Treating (with Shugarts on Swiss Ave) Costumed as “Lady Bug Girl”
Sweet, Sweet Via –
I can’t believe that the next time I update this blog, you’ll be turning 2 years old! My heart hurts just a tiny bit when I think about you not really being my baby anymore but I love watching you grow and learn every day. Your dad and I talk all the time about getting occasional glimpses into the “big-girl” version of you. You are such a sweet and gentle kid. You are learning to share, especially with your food, but also with toys and understanding what it means to take turns. I know you will make a fantastic big sister – I can’t wait to see you with your baby brother. You’re beginign to understand your dad and I when we talk about the baby in mommy’s tummy. You like to pull up my shirt and “pat, pat, pat” or kiss the baby. You also like to show us where the baby will get milk and very tell me all the time, “baby’s milk!” For the last few months, you’ve made such huge progress with sleeping through the night in your own big girl bed. Very rarely do you wake up in the middle of the night. Occasionally, you’ll be awake in the morning before your dad and I and you’ll just come stand at the side of our bed and say “mommy!” until I let you join us for some snuggles and a few more Zzz’s. You love to sing, especially when you’re getting sleepy in the car. You sing “Bye, Bye Olivia” and “This is the way we Drive the Car” and “Jesus Loves Me” from memory. It’s just amazing at how much you are absorbing. Your dad and I love you so much more than you will ever know. We are so proud of the little girl you are and feel truly blessed to be your parents.