Reflections: Success

Having made lots of sacrifices in the last year to be able to afford to stay home with Olivia, I sometimes struggle with being content with what I (We) have. Even though it makes me feel horribly guilty to admit it… Occasionally, I wish we HAD more, when the reality is, we HAVE plenty. In fact, we HAVE such bountiful blessings that it makes me sick to admit that I sometimes take them for granted.

One of my favorite mantras “BE, DO, HAVE” presents the idea that if we focus on BEing happy and true to ourselves, DOing what we love, then we will HAVE everything we need. Catching up with one of my best friends on the phone yesterday, I caught myself about to complain about the major adjustments we’ve made financially. When I looked in the rearview mirror to check on my precious baby girl, who was sound asleep totally konked out – I was caught dead in my tracks. I couldn’t bring myself to complain. How could I? My life is JUST as I’d  imagined it. For the first time, I feel like I am EXACTLY where God wants me to be. It’s the most successful I’ve ever felt. On most days, I like who I am. I love what I do. Being a mom has made me feel more successful than any career could have. I don’t get a paycheck. Heck. I very rarely get positive affirmation from my tiny boss… but I love my job.

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One comment

  1. Brittany Driver says:

    we just watched a cool movie, Jiro Dreams of Sushi, and in it the 80 something year old lifetime sushi chef reflects on what a job means to him…in summary he says something to the tune of ‘dont complain about your job, work hard until you are a master at your craft’ it’s more of an experience and personal goal to be the best at what you do than a 9-5.

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